Frank Furman Insurance distributed the attached yesterday. I thought it was a pretty good summary and guide to the confusing OSHA electronic reporting requirements. I hope it helps to all that still struggle with this.
March 2, 2020 is the deadline for electronically reporting
OSHA Form 300A data for Calendar year 2019
Only a small fraction of establishments are required to electronically submit
their Form 300A data to OSHA.
Establishments that meet any of the following criteria do NOT have to send their
information to OSHA. Remember, these criteria apply at the establishment level,
not to the firm as a whole. SOURCE
- The establishment’s peak employment during the previous calendar year was 19
or fewer, regardless of the establishment’s industry.
- The establishment’s industry is on this list, regardless of the size of the establishment.
- The establishment had a peak employment between 20 and 249 employees during the
previous calendar year AND the establishment’s industry is not on this list.
Form 300A – Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
- This form must be completed and displayed/posted in a common area of your business
i.e.: lunchroom, breakroom, etc. from February 1st through April 30th
- This form must be kept on file for Five (5) Years following the year it pertains
- All 300A Filings must include the establishment’s Employer Identification
Number (New regulation effective as of 01/02/2020)
- This form must be electronically filed with OSHA through OSHA’s Injury Tracking
Application (ITA) on-line system by March 2, 2020 for the 2019 Year. To file
electronically, you must create/set-up an ITA account under your establishment.
Form 300 – Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
- When a recordable injury occurs, the information must be logged on this recordkeeping form
- This form must be kept on file for Five (5) Years following the year it pertains
Form 301 – Injury and Illness Incident Report
- This form is used for each recordable incident (When you record an injury on the 300 Log, the
injury must also be recorded on a 301 Form for each incident)
- This form must be kept on file for Five (5) Years following the year it pertains
More Information, Instructions and Downloadable Forms Listed Above
Can be Accessed Directly on OSHA’s Website.