Safety and Risk Solutions is proud to have presented the South Florida AGC Safety Fair last Saturday February 22. Along with numerous sponsors and donations, free construction safety classes were offered by volunteer instructors in English and Spanish. As a result, 374 certificates of training were issued in subjects of Aerial Lift Operation, CPR/1st Aid, Fall Protection, MOT Flagger, Rough Terrain Forklift, Trench & Excavation, Suspended Scaffold, and Suspended Scaffold Competent Person. Each class was approximately 4 hours, with the exception of Suspended Scaffold Competent Person which was a full day session.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” The volunteer instructors, assistants and sponsors gave time and money to make this successful so that we all could make the South Florida construction sites just a little bit more safe. We truly appreciate everyone’s time and efforts. If you would like to participate in next year’s event as a volunteer or sponsor, please let me know. In the meantime, we posted some pictures on our Instagram account Safetyandrisksolutions