Unstable Rock

This photo shows why oolite and coquina are not solid rock.  OSHA defines oolite and coquina as Class C soil in a letter of interpretation.  Many General Contractors have argued time and again that this is solid rock and therefore the trench does not need protection.  Our facts state otherwise and the contractor eventually relents.  However, there is a more important story about this picture.

Last week our Laura Mendoza inspected this site in Coral Gables and cited them for an unprotected trench after they built a form inside of an excavation, thereby creating a trench with one of the trench walls being coquina that was not protected.  The client tried to cite their soil analysis report but after Laura contacted me, she remained adamant to the client that it was unsafe and the client relented and did what was necessary to make it safe.

Today I inspected the same site which was a series of deep excavations for additional footings and exposing the pilings to be chipped.  I found a partially collapsed excavation with a big chunk of coquina that had fallen from the trench wall.  This was big enough to kill anyone who was between the piling and the excavation wall.  I simply turned to my escort and asked “Any more questions why it’s not solid and stable rock?”

Essentially Laura didn’t just prove her point, but she possibly saved someone from a significant injury if not death.  Excellent job Laura!

We are all choose to be here because of our passion to do what we do.  Typically, it’s a thankless job but we have the internal satisfaction that we hopefully have made a difference.  This chunk of rock is proof that we do good and we do make a difference. I am certain that Marcelo, Jacob or Tom would have done the same thing that Laura did and that is what makes us the most respected safety consultation company in south Florida.  Thank you all for your passion and perseverance.

y Laura, estoy muy orgullosa de ti y muy agradecida de que estés en nuestro equipo.